As you may or may not have noticed, my long-anticipated move of this blog to a different web host did not materialize, so this blog will remain here for the time being. Some Author Update type stuff:
1. Last year I sold 30 copies of Golden Rule Libertarianism and 30 copies of The Apple of Knowledge, despite spending no money to promote them. Thank you to all my readers!
2. I am not writing anything right now, which is why I have not posted to this blog in many months. This is because I have discovered a passion for computer programming (seriously) and am spending all my free time coding. I should have some stuff finished fairly soon. Interestingly, I always thought my undergraduate degree as a philosophy major at Vassar would be totally financially worthless, and yet I find that my formal academic training in philosophical logic actually does translate quite well into computer program logic. Who would have thought?
3. I do need to make one correction: it has come to my attention that the chapter on immigration in Golden Rule Libertarianism is open to misinterpretation, namely, that the use by me of the anti-immigration article written by Mr. Stephen Cox of Liberty Magazine was an ad hominem attack against Mr. Cox on that basis. As he is my friend and editor at Liberty, I need to set the record straight, and make clear that his article was merely a convenient example of anti-immigration ideas which I had ready access so, and was used for no other reason. Certainly, had I intended the chapter as an attack, there are plenty of anti-immigrant racist right wing conservatives that I despise and would have chosen to attack, but that intention did not even occur to me when I was writing the book. For me, ideas are always distinct from people, which perhaps explains why I am a big fan of Ayn Rand's ideas while having nothing but distaste for virtually everything I know historically about Ayn Rand as a person, i.e. how she treated her friends and followers, her sex life, her homophobia and hatred of men with facial hair (seriously--look it up), etc.