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Sunday, May 28, 2023

My Latest Anthology "The United States of America, Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy"

Hello Dear Readers,
I took two of my recent essays, "Bunch of Crooks" and "The Right is Masculine," and repackaged them into a new updated revised edition which also includes new content, called "The United States of America, Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy." The revised version is better than the originals. "The Right is Masculine" was originally written in a somewhat confusing way, so I tried to clean that up. "Bunch of Crooks" was just focused on what a bunch of crooks the politicians are, but "The United States of America" connects the dots about why the fact that the politicians are crooks poses a deep and existential threat to democracy as a form of government. In the revised and updated new material, it also makes the case for Libertarians that democracy is necessary for anarcho-capitalism, by arguing that anarcho-capitalism, if it is to constitute true liberty, must be voted for and elected by the voters of a democracy in a democratic referendum election. Otherwise, if you try to impose freedom by force, then you are choosing freedom with one hand, and force with the other hand, and that collapses into a logical contradiction. And, no, that doesn't mean that I am saying that voters have the right to violate your individual rights by vote, but you will have to read the book to see why.
It's must-read stuff!